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"Dress makes the man"
and customers make the company

They said about us

Petr Pokorný

expert corporate management system, ČEZ, a. with.
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    When attending the OSH conference, we were addressed by Mrs. Šimáková's lecture on TWI methods. We completed introductory training in this area, especially in the field of Job Safety, and subsequently we began to implement methods in practice, especially in the field of occupational safety.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    DMC brings us a new approach to continuous improvement through best practices, which we strive to apply primarily to prevention in the field of safety and health at work.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    We appreciate the use of Toyota Production System (TPS) elements and the experience gained directly from Toyota's operations. Demonstrations of model procedures and the possibility of training in our own conditions and situations are also a great benefit.

Pavel Kunt

Head of Production Department, Robert Bosch sro
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    We started cooperating with DMC due to the need to manage the incorporation of workers in the assembly process and thus eliminate assembly errors, but also reduce production costs. This brings us to the TWI methodology and individual modules - Job Instruction, Job Relations, ...
  • Why do I like DMC?
    Cooperation with DMC employees was very open from the beginning, human-friendly, but at the same time effective and clearly leading to the goal.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    I especially appreciate the approach of DMC employees, where they respect our needs and possibilities, but at the same time set procedures leading to results. The approach to the introduction of new methods and procedures (JI, JR) is very practical, also thanks to their experience.
  • ... 💜
    The whole cooperation is based on very good relations, mutual understanding and joint planning of all activities.

David Doležálek

Production Director, Česká zbrojovka a.s.
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    The cooperation started in 2018, when we were looking for a partner to implement a systemic and continuous improvement methodology KATA. Based on the professional approach, we expanded the cooperation and implemented the complete TWI methodology (JM, JI and JR) with the help of DMC.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    Always open and honest communication. Regular organization of "Meet the Top" = sharing experiences among colleagues from other companies.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    Professional approach, training is supported by real experience from the TOYOTA production system.

Roman Bartišek

VP Supply chain, Albert Česká republika, s. r. o.
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    We started working with DMC to streamline processes at distribution centers. The cooperation brought us a number of 'aha' moments, training in the basics of Lean methodology and their application in practice, as well as measurable savings thanks to the optimization of selected activities.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    Because they bring us outside perspective and inspiration (outside of retail), they help us realize our operational blindness and also set up a continuous improvement system.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    Practicality and effort to understand the specifics of our business, as well as long-term cooperation and continuity in their staffing.
  • ... 💜
    Thank you for opening our eyes and showing us that even relatively simple methods can deliver interesting improvements if strictly followed.

Jan Maruška

Production Supervisor & TWI Trainer, Copeland Czech s.r.o.
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    We started working with DMC because we want to constantly improve in training people. It has brought us development in the area of cooperation with people.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    Because they have many years of experience gained in different countries of the world and are able to share it with others.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    Support. Even if things are not going well, they can direct them to a possible solution.

Jan Sondag

Director of Enterprise Excellence US & EMEA, Teleflex ARROW International CR, as
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    I have been cooperating with DMC for more than 10 years. At that time, DMC was the only company that was able to offer me a comprehensive service in the field of HR and subsequently in the field of operator training - TWI Job Instruction. Together, we have expanded our awareness of the Training Within Industry methodology in the Czech Republic. This methodology has worked for me in every company where I have implemented it.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    Because he tries to understand the customer's needs. I am constantly evolving and focusing my portfolio of services on what companies really need. They keep in touch with the customer and often come up with news. They give feedback and are able to accept it.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    They update their know-how and can lead a discussion about production management and production companies. It is not a company that only works with presentations and in the conference room, but is not afraid to go into production. Adapts to the audience - operator or director.
  • ... 💜
    I am grateful to the DMC - TWI Institute, especially in the field of TWI. I discovered this methodology in 2011 and since then I have been using it and it bears fruit. It was a turning point that initiated for me a personal transformation of management and an understanding of the role of leader and lean leadership. Many thanks for that!

Aleš Chaloupka

MPS Manager, MAGNA Automotive (CZ), s.r.o.
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    I have worked with DMC before, so I know that DMC can help us set up the system so that the TWI method can work successfully and develop further. DMC, as a TWI license holder, gives us confidence that procedures, documents and methods will be effective.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    DMC helps us to change our approach to employees and thus the corporate culture at all levels of management.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    Openness, professionalism and knowledge of production processes.
  • ... 💜
    I believe that we will build on this project and further develop our cooperation together.

Roman Šťástka

HR Specialist, CETIN a.s.
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    In the telecoms and construction industry in which we operate, it is important that the training and development of our people is tailored. It is also crucial that the trainer(s) can connect with our colleagues to increase the impact of what they take away into practice. What we get from DMC is not only a workable methodology that is both practical and easy to grasp for senior staff across generations, seniority and focus, but also a personal approach.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    In addition to ensuring that the development reflects our needs, they are great professionals where every collaboration brings positive feedback and results.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    Openness, professionalism and the ability to put the methods into practice.

Lenka Holatová

Education Specialist, Yanfeng International Automotive Technology Czechia, s.r.o.
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    The cooperation began on the basis of recommendations from another company. We like a wide range of trainings and workshops, pleasant communication, feedback. Individual and professional approach.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    Interesting offer of training, it is possible to adapt the training or workshop to our requirements, excellent communication and feedback.

Václav Douša

HR and GA Senior Manager, Aisan Industry Czech, sro
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    The initial impulse was the effort to unify the "fragmented" way of training, especially new employees in individual departments, and the goal to reduce the fluctuation of new entries.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    Professionalism, reliability, human approach and open negotiations
  • ... 💜
    Personally, I "smack" even before other activities of the entire DMC team in supporting organizations such as Kaňka from Tábor, which definitely deserves long-term support.

Tamara Bernatíková

HR Manager CZ/SK, ROCKWOOL, a.s.
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    We have been cooperating with DMC for several years, from workshops with managers, through the personal development of traders to the development of our masters thanks to the master academy. The Master Academy brought us a shift in the perception and fulfillment of the role of a leader, "I thought I was doing it well, but I was doing it wrong". The root of the master's work is not only in the organization of work, but in the way he works with his people to achieve results and be satisfied. To make the work meaningful to them.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    DMC does not work from the desk, it is important for them to get to know the internal environment and culture. They have a professional and human approach, tailor-made programs, listen to the client's needs, and all programs bring results.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    Every project with DMC opens up another room for improvement - the direction in which to go one step further.
  • ... 💜
    I appreciate that DMC helps us to bring together the approach of senior and junior management members who need to speak a common language. This contributes to building a good corporate culture, which is very important to us.

Petra Veselá

HR Manager, Amcor Flexibles Nový Bydžov s. r. o.
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    I got great references at DCM and the cooperation exceeded my expectations.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    DMC is an incredibly professional company with a human approach, whose consultants always hit our needs exactly.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    I especially appreciate the flexibility and ability to prepare training or teambuilding at the top level in a very short time.
  • ... 💜
    Thank you for your cooperation, you are a fresh wind in the sails of our company ;-)

Ivana Rolníková

Manager in the tool shop, Robert Bosch sro
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    7 years ago, I was faced with the challenge of building a new shift and quickly integrating colleagues into various professional, technical and workshop professions. I knew that I wanted my colleagues to fit into the team and to be incorporated in a way that did not compromise quality. I started looking for opportunities and discovered TWI. Thus began our cooperation. I began to think differently about myself. I changed my stereotypes, opened up more to the team and started working very actively with feedback. The whole team also developed with me. We went through training at TWI JI, JR and JM. My expectations came true - we "breathed" better and we had results.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    I was very OPEN accompanied by demanding transformations.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    Human approach, connecting people, commitment.
  • ... 💜
    The topics you open are challenging and the client must "unlock" them. I would go with you again. I learned a lot.

Mgr. Iva Bursová MBA

HR Country Director, Iveco Czech Republic, as
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    I started cooperating with DMC in 2003, when I was looking for a long-term cooperation of a reliable, responsible, professionally erudite and also human-quality external supplier. Since 2003, I have invited DMC to collaborate on my five other projects with various employers.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    Because they are experts, they always come up with new things, they are not afraid of big challenges and they always complete projects with full energy.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    That they are great hard workers and can.
  • ... 💜
    Thank you very much for the perfect cooperation and new ideas that we put into practice together.

Martin Kořínek

Managing Director, GRAMMER CZ, s. r. o.
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    After two years of tapping at various conferences, we decided to work with DMC on the implementation of TWI in our company. And what did it bring us? The knowledge that I wasted two years unnecessarily and should have asked for their support right away :-) Honestly, after more than 20 years in the industry, it opened my eyes and I understood that the simple and structured TWI procedure is absolutely great to solve the induction of new employees, as well as the retraining of existing ones. He helped us to uncover a lot of ambiguities and nonsensical procedures in production. He taught us to perceive working procedures, their creation and meaning in a new effective way. One word led to another and we went straight to KATA coaching. And what did it bring us? We solved latent problems that had not been solved for years and that we felt frustrated about. We learned a simple and practical procedure for removing obstacles and dealing with topics we had previously run from. And for me, as a manager, it showed me how to support my colleagues, how to ask them questions correctly and how to methodically guide them to be able to solve the "unsolvable" independently. KATA coaching has changed my way of thinking and my approach to continuous improvement through the development of people around me.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    They know what they're doing, and they're doing it damn well!
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    Practice, practice and practice again. Don't beat around the bush and go straight to the point.
  • ... 💜
    I like to be inspired in my life and I am especially grateful for this inspiration.

Daniel Müller

HR Business Partner | Country HR Expert CZ, ZF Electronics Klášterec s.r.o.
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    We started working with DMC because we were looking for professionals who would help us with the issue of training employees in production. We completed TWI JI training together and created a group of professional trainers of the mentioned methodology. Now this method is standard for us at ZF, thanks to DMC.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    I like DMC because I can always turn to them with confidence.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    I especially appreciate their approach, which is very human and at the same time very professional. It's such a certainty. The certainty of a trustworthy recipe and pleasant cooperation.
  • ... 💜
    Thank you very much for the cooperation so far and I look forward to the next one.

Dominika Płudowska

Kierownik Działu Technologii / Head of Technology Department, Ikano Industry Sp. z oo
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    🇵🇱 We worked with the DMC on the basis of a company certificate in TWI (specifically JI). We cared about the fact that the implementation of this method of action would be both the most effective and the success of our organization, as the results of the short time would be under review - with the DMC we have accomplished this!

    🇨🇿 We started cooperating with DMC thanks to the company's rich experience in the field of TWI (specifically JI). We wanted the implementation of this mode of operation to be as efficient as possible and to bring our organization the expected results in a relatively short time - with DMC we did it!
  • Why do I like DMC?
    🇵🇱 Great experience, very good contact with the team.

    🇨🇿 Great experts, very good contact with the team.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    🇵🇱 We work with DMC to appreciate openness in business relations and full professionalism.

    🇨🇿 In cooperation with DMC, I appreciate openness in business relations and full professionalism.

Petra Kneblová

Training center trainer, Gebauer and Griller Kabeltechnik, spol. with. r.o.
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    We started working with DMC because we are convinced that the TWI Job Instruction methodology will help streamline many of the processes we have in the company.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    I can always contact DMC with any problem and they will help and advise.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    They are passionate professionals.
  • ... 💜
    Thank you :-)

Jana Wardová

HR Manager, Edscha Automotive Kamenice sro
  • Why did we start working with DMC?
    We started cooperating with DMC both because of the previous good experience and because of their professional and at the same time human approach to us as customers. We have become partners in setting up training and other joint activities for the education and development of our company. We have worked together on several middle management and TWI development projects, which we will continue with. Cooperation with DMC brings us new perspectives and experiences from other manufacturing companies. Their sophisticated methodology gives us the opportunity to set up processes effectively in the training of new employees in other areas of production.
  • Why do I like DMC?
    I like to work with DMC for their professional approach and rich experience. In my opinion, their added value is helpfulness, willingness, pleasant demeanor, interest in the client's needs and an effort to set up cooperation as effectively as possible.
  • What do I appreciate about working with DMC?
    I am convinced that they really want to give their clients professional and the best possible information, pass on practical experience and knowledge. They are constantly evolving, looking for current approaches to human resource and process management. They are looking for the best ways to work together. I appreciate their experience from the practical real operation of manufacturing companies, including automotive. They do not just try to sell a service regardless of the impact on the company, but set up training or other projects based on an analysis of the company's needs. As the saying goes, "they tailor the program". They are interested in each individual participant in the program.
  • ... 💜
    I also thank DMC for my professional development. Based on cooperation, I always make sure that even though they have been on the market for a long time and are stable and professional, their approach to everything is modern, innovative and unique.

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